I know we don't look that good here but I love this picture!
Blake is doing really well too. He is still sleeping anywhere from 5-7 hours at night so I can't complain. He has starting spitting up a ton which is exactly what Kate did so I am used to it but I hate it. Kate screamed when she threw up and Blake just lays there and it comes out - much different personalities:)! Blake is still a sweet baby, he is pretty content, likes to be swaddled tight for his naps, loves his nightly bath time and is starting to be so much more alert, which I love. I have been working on getting a smile out of him but no such luck. I am still in such awe of him, I wonder if that will ever go away. I just can't seem to believe we had a boy and that I carried him, it is still such an incredible miracle to me from where we started with all of this. So many times each day I will be feeding Blake and Kate will be sitting with me and I just can't believe this is my life - it truly doesn't get any better than this, I feel so blessed.
Here is my little man getting so much bigger!
As for me, I am feeling really good. I started running this week and even bought myself a treadmill - no excuses with it staring at me all day long. I am ready to feel like myself after two years of being pregnant, I am ready to get my body back (as much as I can while nursing). I love to walk outside but it isn't always realistic with this weather and two kids so the treadmill will be perfect. I had my post partum check and everything looked good. I never did share the story of Blake's birth but to make a long story short, after I delivered him I had a retained placenta, I had never heard of this. My placenta tore all apart and my epidural never worked during the delivery so I was in excruciating pain as the dr was trying to get it all out. I was begging she just get it over with so I could be with Blake and remember everything, I really didn't want hard drugs to knock me out...the next thing I knew there were all the anesthesiologist in there and I was put to twilight sleep so that she could do the procedure. I ended up having an ultra sound before I left the hospital and there appeared to be a little left so I came home on meds that made me contract over the week-end to try and pass the rest - thankfully all turned out fine - couldn't it just have been easy/normal though:)!! So everything looked good at the doctor and I am all set to return to normal life, I left there so thankful I don't have to go back anytime soon! It is really nice to start feeling so normal again!
That's all for now. I just wanted to give a quick update and let you all know how we are doing!
I'm so glad things are going so well for your perfect little family! :) Blake and Kate are just precious...I can't wait to see them (and you & Jeff, of course) again soon!! I'll call you next week!!
I know how much you were ready to start a routine and with school back in, you can! You are champ, already getting started on excerising! Good Luck, I know you will loose the weight :) I think you already look great for just having a baby!!!!
As for Kate, hopefully it is a phase. But the good thing is at least she is still wanting to stay in her room. I know a lot of people who still put there kids in thier room and if they don't nap, no big deal, but at least they are still getting some down time.....But again, hopefully it is just a phase, you can get some time to relax.
You are so not alone! So many things you posted about I was/am going through with Maddie. Madison really fought naps, well still does, but I would rather her be in her room for a while so that she has some down time and I have some too (well at least alone time with Hailey). Days that she doesn't take naps I would try to put her to bed earlier. This really has worked -- she goes to bed at 7:30pm.
Blake's spit up sounds just like Hailey's. She never really cries about it but it just pours out, hours after eating. We have been on lots of meds and formula to help correct the reflux.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. So glad things went well at your checkup. Good for you for wanting to workout. I so need to...really want to get the last bit of baby weight off! :)
The kids are precious as usual! I love your blogs...I hope to come see you soon-I ordered a little something for Blake and it'll be here soon. You sound likey you have it all together so well despite a rough labor and a 2.5 with no naps!!! Not to mention nursing a newborn, which is so time consuming (but wonderful!). I am so happy that you are doing so well and can't wait to see the kids.
Girl, everything sounds great! Is that a PB Kids chair Kate is sitting in? We are wanting to get Marleigh one! Davis is not taking naps anymore! So, I feel your pain! He also has been going through a stage of the 11:00 thing as well! :) If he doesn't take a nap, then he will ususally go down earlier -- it has been an adj. He started sleeping through the night at 12 weeks and with him and Marleigh if they wake up at all during the night then they must be sick! Couldn't tell you the last time they got up during the night!
Oh my gosh that picture of Kate and Blake is SOOO PRECIOUS!!! Seeing her holding him makes me so excited for little Olivia to arrive!! I'm so happy things are going well with y'all. I really think the no nap thing is a phase. Bailey went through a week or two of no naps and now she is back to taking perfect naps. (of course I probably just jinx'd myself) I can't wait to see y'all again. :)
Love the photos. Sorry to hear you had a bump in the road with the delivery but it sounds like it all worked out ok. Glad you are feeling ready for 2009 and getting back to normal. You deserve that!! God Bless your family!
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