Before I get started I had to share this picture, now I wish I had been in the picture too but it was a moment for just our little family. I thought Kate was going to cry about the balloons going into the sky and instead she lets go of them and says "Happy Birthday Sissys", it was the sweetest moment of the entire day! Thanks to everyone for the love, support, comments, emails and notes on the girls birthdays, it was an emotional but wonderful day filled with memories of the happiness the girls have brought to our lives. Thank you all for remembering our daughters and for allowing their memories to live in your hearts.
It took me awhile to want to update on here because I felt like my letter to my girls needed to be the topic last week, it was really all that was on my mind and heart. However, I had a great doctors appointment on Friday and it rejuvenated me, lifted my spirits and filled my heart with so much hope and excitement for the future, especially these next few weeks. The appointment was with Dr. Korotkin and I have officially graduated from my cervical measurements!! 34 weeks is when they stop measuring the cervix by internal ultra sound. My last measurement was a perfect 3.3! Now they will just check the baby and one more internal to make sure he knows where the cerclage is located for removal. The baby looked perfect and we got some peeks through 4D ultra sound, the baby had his/her hands over his/her face the whole time but we did see a good shot of the chubbiest cheek I have ever seen! Now for the funniest/best part, the baby measured at 6lbs, 4oz and 19 days ahead of where I am!! Please note that Katelyn was 6lbs 9 oz when she was born, 6lbs even when she was brought home - to imagine a baby that size in me already is amazing. No wonder because my stomach is getting HUGE! My stomach measurements have caught up from the outside too. I wanted to stop the contraction medicine (the oral meds) but Dr. K said to start cutting the dose back and see how the week goes, I will check with Dr. Grogan Friday but hope to stop those Friday and the shots sometime the week after. I was taken off all restrictions (within reason, I can't go jogging or anything). I feel like a new person and have been getting so much done around here. We also were able to discuss the plan and dates. It looks like my cerclage will be removed on Tuesday December 2nd and the baby will be born Wednesday December 3rd (unless it comes immediately after removing the cerclage) but I hope to make it to Wednesday when Dr. Grogan is at the hospital. Dr. K will remove the cerclage before he leaves Northside for the day on Tuesday the 2nd so later in the day. It sounds like I will get an epidural Tuesday for the removal and they will start it back up Wednesday for the delivery. I can hardly believe that three weeks from Wednesday I will be holding this little angel in my arms!!!!!!!!!!!! It truly seems unreal to me that there is an end in sight, a date, a promise that this is going to happen. Even better, I know if I went into labor today, tomorrow or before December 2nd, the baby will be OK and will come home to live with us. I suddenly feel so free of fear, uncertainty, and desperation to make it another day - I just feel excited, happy and content with where I am right now. I went to a wedding last night, like a normal person all big and pregnant...I felt such an overwhelming need to thank God for where I was in the moment. I have spent so many years watching my sisters, sister-in-laws, friends, strangers and everyone around me experiencing pregnancy, all I could ever do was wonder what it truly felt like to have a baby living in you. I envied everyone, I never dreamed I would ever get to experience that and last night I realized I am the one experiencing it all and finally with all the joy and excitement that everyone else experiences. I cannot miss another moment not enjoying where I am today, it is such an incredible blessing and I am so happy I can enjoy it now for these last few weeks. I am huge, I have gained a ridiculous amount of weight, my sisters laugh when they see me and I don't care, I am in love with it all! No more what if this I am just wondering who is in my belly and who he/she will look like, act like and be like. I can't even imagine the day I can deliver this baby and Jeff and I can experience what we have worked so unbelievably hard for over the past four and a half years. It is going to be one incredible day in our lives, the most amazing day next to Katelyn's birth. We will finally meet this baby and know that all is OK and this journey is completely over for us! Anyways, those are my thoughts this moment of complete peace and happiness! The countdown has truly begun...24 days and counting!Here are the latest belly shots - me 34 weeks pregnant, the baby thinking it is 37 weeks along!
That was so sweet what Kate said. She is a precious thing.
You look too cute! I can't wait for you all to meet the newest Gordon!
You look GREAT. And just glowing with happiness. I am so happy for you and your chance to experience God's handiwork in this way.
Still praying and celebrating with you!
I am so happy to read your post - and am so happy that you got to experience all the wonders, joys, and tears (LOL) that go with pregnancy! You are glowing and look FABULOUS! I can't wait to meet this miracle baby in 24 days - or less! Erin
Katie you look great! And don't worry about the weight...keep enjoying every part of this pregnancy. You deserve it!
I am so happy that everything is going well. I know last week was very emotional for you but I am so HAPPY you have your family around you and that you all got to share in all the different emotions. I can only imagine how sweet that moment was when Kate wished her sissy's Happy Birthday. What a wonderful and special moment!
I can't believe the countdown is on! How exciting!!! I look forward to hearing more updates and can't wait until baby Gordon arrives...will it be a boy or girl!?! :)
Congrats Katie! You have come so far with this pregnancy and to know that you are going to have a beautiful baby in only 24 weeks, is truely a miracle!
Can't wait to hear the exciting news, know we are still praying for you and your baby. And we are always thinking of your 3 little angels in heaven.
Katie, God has granted you/us another request......."34 WEEKS"! You look beautiful,radiant,happy and thoughts go also to Jeff because I am sure he is experiencing the very same emotions. I am so happy for the both of you. As we all continue to pray, keep looking up because God is looking down. :)
Hi friend,
I teared up reading your must be all of the hormones running through me after giving birth! :) I am so happy for you, Jeff and Kate. December 3rd is going to be the most amazing day! I can't wait!!
Almost there! WE are soooo excited and happy for you, no one deserves this more. Praying for a safe removal of the cerclage and delivery. Can't wait to shower him/her with love (and gifts!).
You look great! How precious are your words for your beautiful baby girls. You are an inspiration to me! I think you chose the ideal way to celebrate their first birthday! I am sure they had a birthday like no other in Heaven! I can't believe your due date is drawing so near! Enjoy every second of pregnancy! :)
Amanda from All about D and Marleigh
Praying all is well! Looking forward to an update soon!
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