The moment I have been waiting for, Blake finally smiled today and he hasn't stopped all day!
He thought Karley was the funniest person this morning!
Hanging out at the Children's Museum
Kate and Haley making masterpieces
My best little helper, Kate giving Blake a bath!

She loved being in charge!

For those of you wondering, yes, I am still in awe of my life! Things are going really well here, Blake is getting so big and I can't believe tomorrow he is 8 weeks old. It is so hard to believe 8 weeks have passed since he was born. Finally this morning I got my full out smiles that I have been waiting for, I cried and Kate was so excited. Every morning we lay in my bed trying to get Blake to smile and she was so excited this morning when he finally did it! I have to admit, I think he was trying to make it up to me, he has been up all night for the past three nights. I am not sure what is going on but I haven't slept more then 2 hours straight since Friday night. We moved him to his bed Friday night and he slept awesome, 8 hours, but since then he has been so unsettled. We are going to try things a little different tonight and see if we can get him back to sleeping better, he loves his mommy and would love to sleep on me all night but that isn't going to work for me! Everything else is going good around here, I took Kate and Blake to the mall for an outing by myself last week, we did really good. I was nervous but ready to venture out and get used to life with two, with a lot of patience and time, we made it and had a good time meeting a friend for lunch. Kate continues to be the best big sister and loves to help me with Blake. She is back on schedule with her naps and back to her sweet little self! Life is good!
Katie - I'm so happy that you got your much anticipated smiles!! :) Blake is precious, and what a great little helper you have in Kate. She's such a great big sister already! Soon enough we will all be able to have play dates together...can't wait!
katie - I am so glad everything is going well and that you finally got that smile out of Blake! He is just as adorable as can be.
I hope you guys can get Blake more settled so you can get more then 2 hours of sleep. Mommy needs her sleep!
So glad things are going well for you ... they are beautiful! I hope that he gets back in his sleeping schedule! Maybe you should try cutting his crib in half with a pillow - that helped with Tatum ... until she started to roll over and then we moved it out!
I never did see if you said what kind of camera you used?! Would love to know - mine is starting to act up!
So cute!!! I can't beleive he is already smiling..he is just such a happy baby!!! Enjoy your trip to MN, and lets get together when you get back.
LOVE the sweet smiles! I bet Kate would just eat him up if she could - and you and Jeff too!! :)
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