Saturday, January 3, 2009

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year...where has one month gone?

It has been a really busy, fun and crazy few weeks around here. I realized that having a new baby was going to be busy but having him right at Christmas time has really added to the craziness around here. Blake is ONE month old today and I can't believe one month has gone by. I have some pictures from the past few weeks. The festivities started with a wonderful celebration that my sisters and sister-in-laws had for Blake. It was a wonderful day with so many wonderful friends who have been on this amazing journey with us. I felt so proud to show Blake off and to celebrate his amazing life, all day I was overwhelmed with how far we have come in one year. I never would have dreamed this is where I would be this time last year!

Blake and I with all my sisters!

Blake with his girlfriends Hannah and Caroline!
Christmas Eve Morning Brunch in our PJ's!

Christmas Eve at Meme and Papa's, Santa always stops by before he delivers toys, I was glad to get a picture of Kate and Blake with Santa since we didn't take Blake to see Santa this year!

This is my favorite moment of Christmas Eve. Every year my step father plays Thank God For Kids. For many years I would cry during the song with my heart aching to have a child. Kate's first Christmas I cried with overwhelming joy as she slept on my shoulder, last year was somewhat bittersweet as I had this beautiful blessing in Kate but my three daughters had just gone to heaven. This year my arms were so full as I held both my children and sang was amazing, God is amazing and I can't believe how blessed we are with these babies to love.

Christmas Morning, the dollhouse Santa brought to Kate!

Here are some new pictures of our little man, I can't believe he is ONE month old today! I have fallen so completely in love with Blake, he is such a good baby, we are so lucky. I love how much more alert he gets everyday and how peaceful he is...most of the time:)! He is gaining weight and looks so much bigger to me. Last night Jeff and I got a present and Blake slept 6 hours, ate and slept three more, I feel like a new person today! Katelyn loves Blake, she is testing her mommy and daddy but she is so sweet to Blake, thank goodness. She loves to kiss him, help me burp him and talk to him, I can't wait till he can respond to her!

We had an incredible Christmas spent with family and friends. We have spent many moments just stopping and thanking God for where we are today. We look so forward to 2009 and the amazing times we are going to have together, free of the stress of having another child. We can finally focus on the family we have and enjoy the gifts God has given us. I hope that all of you are as excited for 2009 as I am, I pray that all your dreams come true!
Happy New Year!


MattandErin said...

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I am so glad this was such a wonderful Christmas... I can think of no family that deserves it more! I can't wait to see you guys soon! Erin

Jennifer said...

I am so glad you guys had a wonderful christmas. I knew this year was going to be a special one for you guys. And God is so amazing and listened to all your prayers by bringing you your beautiful baby boy. I wish you all the happiness in 2009 :)

The Partins said...

Glad you had such a wonderful Christmas! Happy 2009!

MBKimmy said...

So glad you had a wonderufl Christmas and what a good boy already sleeping 6 hours at a time ... that is wonderful!

Amanda said...

Once again I have chills!!! Your family is amazing and perfect! You all look beautiful, and I thank God for your joy this Christmas Season! Enjoy every second! You deserve it all girl!

Kim said...

Hey Katie,
I love your new post with the pictures! Sorry we didn't get a chance to stop by on New Year's Eve...the day seemed to get away from us and then before we knew it we were on our way back to Fl. :( I miss you so much already!

Kelly and Brent said...

I am so glad you had a great Christmas! What a special one it was!! Enjoy every minute with your sweet family. I hope 2009 brings you as much happiness as 2008 ended with. :)