February is a busy time for us with Valentine's Day, Jeff's birthday and our anniversary all within a week of each other! We have been celebrating a lot and Monday we continued the celebration with the arrival of our new nephew and Blake's new playmate - Gordon Patrick Schutz! Jeff's sister has Haley who is 8 weeks younger than Kate and now they have Gordon who is almost exactly 12 weeks younger than Blake, it couldn't have worked out more perfectly had we planned it and God knows there was no planning pregnancies in our house! Little Gordon is beautiful and we are excited to begin a lifetime with him! Jeff and I just celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary, we actually went out to dinner for a night out but we were so tired we were home by 9:00. We plan to postpone the celebration for a trip we are taking in October. Things are going well at home with the kids. Kate is completely potty trained and only had two accidents the entire time, she is amazing when SHE decides to do something. She continues to be an awesome big sister and loves helping me with Blake. Blake is doing awesome too, I still can't believe what a good baby he is, he completely has his daddy's laid back personality. My favorite new thing with Blake is that every time you walk up to him he gives you the biggest smile, no matter what he is doing, he is so happy to see you talking to him, I love it! He is getting stronger with his head and is growing like a weed, he has lost all his newborn look and is starting to look like a little boy! We also are starting to get into the groove with the night routine. Last night was the best night's sleep he has ever had but all week it has just gotten better and better so I think we may be turning a corner here. I feed Blake at 9pm for his last feeding and last night he slept till 6am, he ate and went right back to sleep till 7:30 - it was so wonderful...except that I was up from 3:00am on with Katelyn - doesn't that just figure? Bless Kate's heart though, she has an ear infection and with it she has been running a high fever so she ended up sleeping all day yesterday. At 3am I hear "mommy, come here"...I ignore it for a minute then I hear "mommy, I want to watch TV". I had to go check on her since she has been so sick, she was fine. About 20 minutes later she was crying for something to drink and I knew she needed fluids so Jeff gets up to get her something, next thing I know she is in our bed, trying to go to sleep but too hyper. We started watching cartoons sometime before 6am - what a long day! Kate seems to be getting better but this ear infection has hit her hard. Thankfully it is a rainy day today and we are just laying low. We are looking forward to a low key week-end! Here are some new pictures!
Blake waiting to meet his new cousin, all smiles!

Hanging out!

Happy Birthday Daddy!
So good to hear you are all doing well (minus Kate's ear infection). You have been busy little bees!
Blake is adorable as ever and I am so happy he is such a good baby. It seems like everyone I know who has had a boy for the second child has had an easy laid back baby. Which is Great -- just wish it was like that with the second one in general! Ha! :)
Hey Katie,
Sounds like everything is going just great, minus Kate's ear infection! But hopefully that will pass soon and you will be back into a great night-time sleeping routine with both kids sleeping through the night...sounds HEAVENLY, right?!?
Blake is just too cute!... I love the family picture, it is definitely a keeper :) Happy belated Anniversary!
Love love the family picture~ YOu are all so adorable!
Glad you are doing so well. You looked great when I saw you Friday! The kids are so adorable, thanks for sharing the pictures. I really appreciate all the maternity clothes you let me borrow! I will take good care of them:)
That's a great pic of all of you!
YAY Blake! Way to start being a big boy for Mommy and SLEEPING! :)
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