Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Potty Time!!

I am so proud of Katelyn so I have to write a post completely for her! I didn't share the crazy story from over Christmas break when we decided to try and potty train Kate. She was so excited in the very beginning so we thought it was perfect timing...we didn't think that through. Day three into the potty training we hadn't slept in three nights because she was up all night crying with anxiety about having to go potty, she was didn't want to go on the potty but she didn't want to go in her diaper anymore either. Then she started screaming bloody murder every time she had to pee and she had to be held the entire time until she finally went to the bathroom. On Christmas eve morning it was so bad she was screaming and clinging to me and I was certain she had given herself a bladder infection or something. Jeff ended up at the Urgent Care with her and she had to get a catheter in order to go to the bathroom and check things out. She was fine but the doctor said obviously she wasn't ready and the anxiety was too much for her. I felt terrible, it wasn't like we pushed it, threatened her or anything, we were making it very fun but it all went downhill. We dropped it, obviously and we decided we would wait until this summer and give her a break. I think having a new baby, Christmas break, Jeff being home so much, so many activities, it was all too much at once for her - a bad time to try and potty train looking back. Anyways, Monday night my niece Jenna came over to play. I decided to give the girls a bath, Kate was in the bath and Jenna was getting ready and said she had to go potty first. A minute later Kate said "Mommy I have to potty" so I got her out and went with it thinking yeah right. I put her on the potty and at first she was so tense I thought here we go again but all the sudden her whole body relaxed and she went and ever since then she has gone pee on the potty!!!! She had one accident yesterday morning and it was a number 2:), she hasn't mastered that one yet. But that is it...we had a play date yesterday and she never had an accident, she came and told me every time she had to go. The child has had more M&M's in the past 36 hours then i have had in a lifetime and I don't even care. Apparently I think I am potty training because I have enjoyed the M&Ms myself and every time I go potty I get M&M's from Kate. Today is Kate's first day at school since this new adventure but she insisted on pantie's and no rubber pants so I sent her. I decided to walk her in so I could talk to her teacher - this was my favorite moment of the week. Jenna was with us so we walk Kate to her class, we are walking down the hall and the director and another teacher are greeting kids...all the sudden Kate looks at the director and says "I am going potty on the big girl potty" with a little dance and in the most excited voice a young child can have! It was priceless! She went on to tell her teacher and I can't believe it...I left there and just prayed that God would be with her and give her the courage to stick with it at school, I don't want any of that anxiety to come back and haunt her. I am so proud of her but I am also blown away by this little person...I knew she was going to be strong willed (it is a trait in the women in my family) but apparently she wants to do things on HER terms, not mine! I am going to have my work cut out for me. I just pray Blake will be my sweet little man and let Kate be the strong willed child she is going to be:)!
Anyways, I am just so proud of her I had to share the story. I know Katelyn is plenty old enough to be potty trained and I shouldn't act like it is so amazing but it is to me, I can't believe how big she is getting and how well she is doing, I pray it continues but if it doesn't, it is OK, we will take it day by day so we don't cause that anxiety again! I will keep you posted! She gets a new princess dress from Jeff and me tonight if she stays dry at school, I will be so excited if we can give it to her!

I have some new pictures to post and will try and get those up soon! We are doing great and Blake is doing awesome! He isn't sleeping well at night anymore but last night I just decided to let go my stress of getting him to sleep through the night, if it takes him a little while to figure it out then so be it, he will sleep through the night eventually. I am flat out of anymore tricks to try, it is what it is and I am going to enjoy the quiet moments I have with him no matter how tired I am during the day:), it won't last forever. Honestly this is the best problem to have, Jeff and I prayed for this child for SO long that I can hardly complain about being up with him during the night! I remember wishing Kate had been up some during the night because I missed out on that quiet time with her, she slept through the night at 4 weeks so this is all so new to me!

Anyways I have to run just wanted to write about my Kate, I am SO proud of her, please pray that the anxiety we had last time stays away and this is it for her!!


Kim said...

Awwww, I'm so glad Kate is doing so well with the potty-training. I'm so proud of her!! ;) And don't worry about Blake, I'm sure he will start sleeping through the night soon! See you in less than 2weeks!! Can't wait!

MBKimmy said...

Way to go! This is so exciting! I am glad that she did it all on her own and you could have never known that the stress it caused the first time!


Amanda said...

So excited for Kate! Isn't it strange how we try and try and then when they are ready they just do it on their own! I know with Davis this happened with potty training and it also happened with the sippy cup! With Marleigh I am trying to remind myself of this and just let her be my baby!

Katie Tucker said...

Of course you are proud! Potty training sounds tough, I am nervous already! I am glad Kate is so happy, I love the story of her little dance for the preschool director, how priceless.

Kate said...

Yaaaaay Kate!!! That is awesome. :)

Kelly and Brent said...

Congrats Kate! What a big girl!!! I am so happy that she is doing so well and I am sure it helps Mommy out a ton. Just wait until she learns that going potty gets her out of taking naps and getting out of her car seat. What smart little toddlers! :)

Nicole said...

Go Kate!! Blake will be sleeping through the night in no time=) Reilly started sleeping through at 10 weeks. We need to plan a playdate soon=)