Bippity Boppity Boop - Getting ready for the breakfast at Cindarella's castle
With Rapunzel and Flynn Rider
Blake wouldn't even look at Snow White
This is our blog and our incredible journey through life...infertility, loss, pregnancy and so much more! Children are true miracles from God. We have one amazing daughter, Katelyn. Three angel babies in heaven - Emma, Kelsey and Lauren. We were blessed with a beautiful son Blake Kel Gordon, December 2008 and are now anxiously awaiting the arrival of Emily Alice, due February 1, 2012!
Great pics! Disney World is such a magical place for the kids and parents :) Kate & Haley look like twins...
So good to see you back Blogging! I am walking in the Cherokee county March of Dimes walk which is an evening walk on May 6. I am looking for sponsors and I thought you might be interested sponsoring me. Send me your email address and I will send you my MOD link. Your pics are awesome!! The kids are getting sooo big, especially Blake. I can't believe he is 2 already. My Brooke will be 3 in July!! Lindsay starts Kindergarten in August!
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