Sunday, November 30, 2008

What a wonderful Thanksgiving!

We had such a wonderful couple of days with Jeff's family! Kate and her cousin Haley had a blast and we got to spend some time with Jeff's grandmother, Aunt Barb and Uncle Jeff from Ohio! I know everyone enjoyed the time together and we had lots of good food.
Our last family picture of the three of us!

Jeff's grandmother (GiGi) with her great granddaughters!

And of course 2 peas in a pod!

I am feeling pretty good, counting down the days now but thankful that baby Gordon is going to stay put till Tuesday. I have started having some serious swelling which is really fun...I just can't believe how close we are now! I will update again before Tuesday! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Amanda said...

You look GREAT! I am SO happy for you! (I think I say that everytime I post, but I REALLY am!) I LOVE the girls' matching dresses! I can't wait to see whether to shower you with pink or blue wishes really soon!

Katie Tucker said...

Yeah! I emailed you at your ktgordon21 email b/c I never write good blog comments, so check it! 2 more days!

Katie Tucker said...

Yeah! I emailed you at your ktgordon21 email b/c I never write good blog comments, so check it! 2 more days!

The Partins said...

I love their dresses! So cute. Glad you had a good holiday!

Kim said...

Hi friend,

Only a few more days...can you believe it?! I'm so excited for you. I will give you a call soon to catch up. Miss you!!

arg0129 said...

I am so excited for you guys, and can't wait to meet the little one!

Karmin said...

Sounds like you guys had a great Thanksgiving! Your family picture is beautiful and I can't wait to see the next one with another beautiful baby in it! Good luck tomorrow and I will be thinking about you all and praying for you.