Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I am incredibly amazed and touched by the amount of people who have supported Jeff and my decision to March for Babies in honor of Emma, Kelsey and Lauren!!!!!!! I was going to post on here about the event and to let everyone know that Blake, Katelyn, Jeff and I were going to try and raise 100.00 for each baby for a total of 300.00 - in less then 24 hours we have raised 710.00 total with the donations and the people who have joined our team to walk! I am SO excited and SO can't imagine what this means to Jeff and me. I am so excited about the walk, it is April 25th, if anyone wants to walk with us, you can join our team and walk, you don't even have to donate money, just be there with us to honor our girls and all the babies who are born too early, email me if you want to join my team and I will send you the link! This is an event that Jeff and I plan to do every year with Blake and Katelyn to honor our girls, last year I found out I was pregnant with Blake on April 3rd so I couldn't walk! Anyways, a huge thanks to everyone for the love and support, thank you for remembering our angels, they will be smiling down on us on April 25th. My heart is so missing my girls but is also so happy and full for them today!

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