OK, preschool has started, I have set some boundaries with my job and I am getting back into the groove of a routine...I hope so anyways! This summer was SO busy but so much fun, it is amazing to me that it is already pretty much over. Shortly after my last post we celebrated Katelyn's 3rd birthday, I can't believe I have a three year old. We had the best birthday party ever, Snow White showed up and I have never seen Kate so in awe of anyone in her life, she still talks about Snow White coming from the castle to her house. This lady was amazing, she sang all the songs in the most amazing voice, painted faces, made balloon animals, did tattoos and magic shows. The kids were completely captured. I had so much fun watching everyone and it was so easy for me! On Katelyn's actual birthday we were in Amelia Island for our annual beach trip with my dad and step mom, it is the most relaxing trip and we have a blast every year, it is 10 adults and 8 children all in one condo - we love it! Kate liked the beach a little better than last year but was terrified of the ocean waves so we really spent more time at the pool. Blake could have cared less where we were, he was happy as a clam just hanging out with everyone. He loves the pool and was happy to play in the water and nap in his stroller, it really was perfect for the kids. While we were at the beach we were SO excited to find out that Jeff got a new job with Home Depot, he has been interviewing for awhile now and accepted a position as a Project Manager in Supply Chain, he really likes it so far and it was so fun to celebrate while on vacation! So...since we got home, we have both been crazy busy with work and getting back into our routine. My job is going awesome, I love working again, love the people I work with and love working again! Katelyn started school on Monday and so far I think she loves it, she seems to be really excited to go. It always takes me awhile to get used to her being gone again, Monday I paced the house for awhile waiting for time to go and pick her up! She has some great kids in her class and her teachers seem really nice, she goes three days a week so it is a good balance for us. I plan to primarily work the days she is in school and not work Tuesday and Thursday so I can focus on the kids and spending quality time with them with play dates and activities! Blake is doing great, he is getting SO big and I can't believe next week he will be 9 months old!! He is getting so close to crawling but he hasn't mastered it yet, I am OK with him not moving, Katelyn walked three days before she turned 9 months but I don't think he is anywhere near that and I don't want him to be there yet. I did have Blake's allergies tested and he does indeed have a dairy allergy, thankfully it is very mild and he should grow out of it, it is hard to watch all his food but we are learning as we go! I simply can't get enough of my kids and their sweet sweet personalities...I think it is working again and being more busy that makes me so much more in tune with the time we do spend together, or maybe it is just their precious ages and that I am more relaxed and at peace then I have ever ever been in my entire life. I simply wake up every day thanking God for my life, these babies and the blessings He has given to me - I keep asking myself is this really my life? I was walking down the stairs the other morning and both kids like to be held so I put one on each hip and down we go, I saw my reflection in the wall and it took my breath away, that was me - with my arms full - I never thought I would be there and here I am. Daily I am reminded of the overwhelming gratitude and peace that fills my heart. I still miss my Kelsey, Emma and Lauren everyday, every minute I wonder what they would be like today - but that unbelievable pain has somewhat healed and in it's place is just the sweet memories of their faces, Emma's whimper and the way their sweet bodies felt in my arms. My dear friend had a baby last week, after suffering a horrendous loss a year ago delivering her sweet baby boy at 39 weeks stillborn, last week she delivered a beautiful healthy baby girl! I was able to be with her throughout the entire day, the labor and everything. When the proud daddy came out to tell us it was a girl, I went outside the hospital to call Jeff, my mom and sisters and I sat on the bench looking over to the same door they wheeled me out with my three boxes on my lap instead of my three babies and I sobbed, I cried so hard for my loss, for her loss and for the incredible blessings we had just a short year to two years later - I will never understand completely but God has truly provided in a way that only He can. I walked back into the hospital and was able to go into my friends room to meet this sweet baby, I looked first at my friend and saw the same relief and renewed spirit that I felt when Blake was born...it was amazing to witness and healing for me in more ways then I can describe! Only those who have suffered through losing a child/children could possibly understand the depth of those emotions. So many prayers were answered last week!
That is a brief catch up from me, I am seriously going to start blogging again, I miss it - even if nobody reads it, I love it!
Here are some pictures, they aren't in order, I was too tired to do that tonight...:)!
Katelyn's first day of preschool!
Blake Kel in the bath!

My sweet babies before church

One of my favorites of Blake at the beach!

Katelyn's birthday with Snow White!

Kate, mommy and daddy
It sounds like you have definitely had a busy but eventful summer! I am so glad you are enjoying your job and what wonderful news that Jeff got the Home Depot job :) The kiddos are growing up so fast but are just as precious as can be!
Glad to hear everything is going well.
Cute pictures of the kiddos!
Great pictures! I'm glad we got to spend some time together yesterday with the kids... Time is flying!
Kate, I am so happy for you guys that Jeff accepted a position. I really enjoyed this post, though it brought tears to my eyes. Praise God for all his blessings, that is for sure!
Yay!! So glad to read and catch back up with you and the kiddos! Excited to see you when everyone's back to full health!
Great pictures! They are so cute. Your posts always make me cry.
Will you ask Jeff if he knows Bryan Ward at work? His wife is one of my best friends.
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