Sunday, July 24, 2011

Prayers for tomorrow please

So tomorrow is a big day for us and for the baby! I have my nuchal scan at 9am and as long as all looks well with the baby, my surgery is scheduled for 12:00pm. Luckily we just got home from an awesome week at the beach so I haven't had a lot of time to think and process through it all but tonight, I am really nervous. Please pray specifically that the nuchal scan shows a healthy baby, that Dr. K will be well rested and peaceful as he goes in to perform the surgery, that the baby is a fighter and stays strong through the surgery and recovery and that my body handles everything as it should! I have help all week and should be able to be up and about by Friday! Last time I spent one night in the hospital but I am coming home tomorrow night which will be much nicer and much more peaceful!

I will update when I can and will post awesome pictures from our beach trip!

Thanks for the love and prayers for this baby!


Kelly and Brent said...

Sending BIG prayers your way! Please keep us posted when you can.
much love, Kelly

Jennifer said...

Sending prayers your way! Everything is going to go great tomorrow, think "happy" thoughts...I know, easier said, then done. Thinking of you and baby G :)